Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things.
acrimonious filled with bitterness or rancor.
brazen shameless; bold.
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
flaccid without firmness; soft; flabby.
ideology the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution.
impart to give all or a part of; bestow or transmit.
maniacal marked by wildness, craziness, and violence.
morose gloomy or sullen.
peccadillo a minor sin or offense, or a slight fault.
pervade to spread or be present everywhere in.
rehabilitate to restore to good health or to an otherwise improved state of being.
resplendent full of splendor; radiant; shining.
savant a person of deep learning; scholar.
stipulate to specify or arrange as a condition of an agreement.