Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boat an open vehicle, smaller than a ship, that moves on water.
carton a box made of heavy paper.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
doubt to not be certain or confident about something; to think that something might not be true.
holy relating to a god or religion.
hut a small house or shelter. A hut is sometimes made of dry grass or mud.
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love or respect.
motorcycle a vehicle with two wheels, a heavy frame, and an engine.
national of or having to do with the whole country, not just one part of it.
phrase a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb.
runner a person who is moving along quickly on his or her feet, or a person who races on foot.
stadium a place used for sports events and other outdoor activities. Stadiums have rows of seats that rise up around an open field.
suddenly without warning, often causing surprise or fear.
until up to the time when.