Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring.
attribution the act of identifying something as the work of a particular person or group.
cognition the mental acts or processes by which knowledge is acquired or processed.
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
former happening in or having to do with the past; previous.
institutional of, relating to, or resembling an institution or institutions.
minimal of, pertaining to, or being the smallest or least possible in quantity, degree, or size.
oppose to think, act, or be against; resist.
ornery mean; stubborn.
paramount most important; chief; highest.
reconstruction the act or result of rebuilding or remaking.
regulator a person or thing that keeps an activity or action to a certain standard or set of laws.
resistant capable of opposing or willing to oppose.
rout1 a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten.
warranty a document given to the buyer of an article in which the maker agrees, within a limited period of time, to repair or replace the article if it is defective.