Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
beware to be careful or wary (often used imperatively).
charge to give a responsibility or duty to.
donation the gift or contribution thus made.
fluid a liquid or gas. A fluid flows easily and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Water and air are fluids.
frequency the number of times something happens within a certain period of time.
gossip tales or talk about the personal lives and secrets of others when they are not present.
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid.
moody having shifts in emotional state frequently or without a pattern.
publisher a person or company that prepares and brings out books for sale.
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
scholarship money given to students to help pay for their education.
session a meeting or set of meetings of a court or a government council.
spank to hit with the open hand or a hard object as punishment.