Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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apprehend to catch and place under arrest.
astray off the right or known path or course.
bankrupt not able to pay money owed and free by law from having to pay.
consciousness the physical condition of being awake and aware.
deprecate to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.
disposable meant to be thrown out after use.
faulty having imperfections, flaws, or defects.
inattention lack of attentiveness; neglect.
objective a goal or purpose that a person works to achieve; aim.
onset the early stage; beginning.
persuasion the act of convincing someone to believe something or do something.
replica a duplication or copy, especially one smaller than the original.
restrict to keep within limits.
slaughter the killing and butchering of animals for food.
sophisticated having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple.