Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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agree to have the same opinion or feel the same way.
cast a thick, stiff covering for an injured limb or joint, especially one in which the bone is broken. A cast is made of cloth and some kind of liquid material that can become very hard and solid.
chalk a type of soft, white stone. Chalk is made into long thin shapes used for writing or drawing.
chimney a tall, hollow structure that carries smoke up through a building and to the outside.
club a heavy stick that is used as a weapon.
every each member or part of a group.
hut a small house or shelter. A hut is sometimes made of dry grass or mud.
journey a long trip from one place to another.
leave1 to go away from a place.
pillow a cloth bag filled with soft material used for resting the head while sleeping.
puzzle a toy or problem that you solve by thinking or by arranging letters, words, numbers, or objects.
rip to cut open, off, or apart with force; tear.
rug a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor.
ship a large boat that carries people or things through deep water.
today the day that is right now.