Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abase to diminish (something of value) or to place (especially oneself) in a lower position than another or others; lower; demean.
akin similar in kind or spirit; alike.
clan a group of people from the same family.
coordination the working together of different muscles to carry out a complicated movement.
cultivate to make fit for growing plants by plowing, weeding, or adding fertilizer.
environmental of or having to do with the surroundings of something, especially the natural surroundings.
forgo to do without, refrain from, or give up.
hurtle to move with great speed and often with great noise.
innovate to propose or implement a new method, approach, idea, or the like; make inventive changes.
liberal generous.
mutual felt, said, or done by each for the other; shared by two or more people; given and received.
operative being in effect.
quote to repeat a passage or information from.
sparse not thick or dense; scattered in thin amounts.
verify to make sure of the truth or correctness of.