Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
apply to make use of or put to use.
candidate a person who seeks to be elected or appointed to a certain position.
difficulty the condition of being hard to do.
endless having or seeming to have no end; without limits; infinite.
federal having to do with a system of government that unites several states under a central government. The states have their own governments, yet they recognize the rule of the central government as well.
partially partly; not completely.
radar the use of radio waves to track the location, distance, and speed of faraway objects. Waves are sent out and then picked up again when they bounce back after hitting some object.
reward something of value that is promised to someone for good work or a good deed.
sharpen to make thinner or finer, as a cutting edge or point.
simmer to cook in a liquid that is kept near the boiling point.
temporary for a short time; not permanent.
tissue a group of cells in an animal or plant body that are like each other and do similar things.
vary to change; to make different.
whimper to cry in weak, broken sounds.