Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abstain to choose not to do something.
anarchist a person who believes in, desires, or tries to realize a society or state without a government.
atheist a person who believes that there is no god or gods.
buttress a structure built to give support to the outside of a building or a wall.
devotee an eager or serious follower or enthusiast.
impassive not having, showing, or responding to emotion; unfeeling, expressionless, or insensitive.
luxuriant growing thickly and in great numbers; lush.
maturation the act or process of becoming fully grown or developed, in structure, behavior, or the like.
montage the technique of juxtaposing or superimposing images in a photograph or on motion picture film.
multifarious of or having a great variety of parts, forms, or kinds; many and varied.
naysayer a person who refuses, denies, or opposes, especially because of cynicism or pessimism.
presage to be a sign or warning of; portend or foretell.
qualm a feeling of guilt or doubt.
savant a person of deep learning; scholar.
waylay to attack or accost unexpectedly after lying in wait for.