Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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celebrity a person who is famous.
complexity the state or condition of being complex or complicated.
discharge to shoot or fire off.
dosage the amount or timing of medicine to be taken.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless.
imprison to put or keep in a prison.
meditate to think calmly, deeply, and at length (sometimes followed by "on" or "upon").
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
pathology the scientific study of the causes, nature, and results of bodily disease.
peril the condition of being in danger or at risk.
priority precedence, especially because of authority, right, or urgent need.
projection a guess of a future situation based on looking at the present situation.
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
refrain1 to hold oneself back; to not enter into a particular action; desist; forbear (often followed by "from").
reverie a state of daydreaming, reminiscing, or musing.