Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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asleep in a state of sleep.
daughter a person's female child.
desk a piece of furniture with a flat surface used for writing, using a computer, or reading. Desks usually have drawers where you keep paper, pens, and other supplies.
drip to come down in drops.
flesh the soft parts of the human or animal body that lie between the skin and the bones. Flesh includes muscle and fat.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
gentle not intending to cause pain or trouble to other people or animals; kind.
grab to take hold of suddenly or with force.
hall a long space in a building that people walk through to go from one room to another.
happiness the feeling of having joy or being glad.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
school a place for teaching and learning.
wicked evil in actions or ideas.
wing a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying. Insects and birds have wings.
wire a long thread of metal.