Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often followed by "about").
central main or principal; most important.
dose an amount of medicine to be taken at one time or at certain times.
episode one event in a series of events in a person's life or a story.
gravity the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other.
peer2 to look hard or closely to see something better.
priest a person who is authorized by a church to lead prayers and religious services.
routine a regular course of action.
shade darkness caused by light rays being blocked.
snag a sharp or jagged projection upon which something can be caught or torn.
stubble the stubs of crop stalks, as of corn, that remain in the ground after the crop has been cut.
swear to make a solemn promise or statement, usually concerning the telling of the truth, one's loyalty, or one's duty.
therapist one who specializes in treating people with psychological, emotional, or social problems.
tribal of or relating to a group of people having the same ancestors, customs, and other characteristics.
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.