Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
closure an ending or concluding.
compatible able to exist or function harmoniously with another.
consent to give permission or approval; agree (often followed by "to").
contribution something that is contributed.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together.
distortion the act of distorting or condition of being distorted.
garrison a military force that is located in a fort, village, or similar place.
gripe (informal) to complain continually; nag; grumble.
lunar of or having to do with the moon.
proclaim to say or state for the public to know.
respiration the act of breathing.
tedious long and boring; dull; wearisome.
toxicity the condition, property, or fact of being poisonous or containing poisonous substances.
worthwhile valuable enough to be worth doing.