Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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antebellum in or of the period prior to a war, especially the American Civil War.
baleful threatening harm; full of malice; ominous.
conclave a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering.
dawdle to waste time; be slow.
disabuse to free (a person) from misconception or deception; set straight.
disaffection an absence or loss of good will, faith, or loyalty, especially toward a government, principle, or the like.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
flagitious viciously or shamefully wicked; infamous.
inanition a state of exhaustion caused by a lack of nourishment.
indistinct not clearly perceived or perceiving.
inflection change that occurs in the form of words to show a grammatical characteristic such as the tense of a verb, the number of a noun, or the degree of an adjective or adverb.
jeremiad a long complaint about life or one's situation; lamentation.
minatory presenting a threat; menacing.
pliant easily flexed; supple.
sepsis infection, especially by pus-forming bacteria in the blood or tissues.