Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approach the act of coming near.
bouquet a bunch of flowers, often arranged in a special way to be attractive.
chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds.
creative able to make or do something new or with imagination.
designer a person who makes or draws plans for creating something, especially physical objects or structures.
insist to be firm about something; refuse to give up.
militia a group of trained citizens who are not soldiers but can serve as members of the military in an emergency.
outskirts the edges or outlying areas of a city or town.
phony (informal) not real or genuine; fake.
riot a violent disturbance caused by a large number of people.
slobber to let liquid, especially saliva, dribble from the mouth; drool.
text the body of a printed work as distinguished from its title, headings, notes, and the like.
threat a statement that harm or punishment will follow.
warmth the condition of being warm; heat.
willingness the state of being ready or glad to do something without being forced to do it.