Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alongside by the side of; next to; beside.
carnivore an animal that eats the flesh of other animals.
chuckle to laugh softly or in a quiet manner.
conscious awake; able to feel, think, hear, and see.
creation the act of making something or causing something to exist.
filth material that is dirty, disgusting, or foul.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
glum in low spirits; sad or gloomy.
outcome a result of something.
pad a piece of soft material used as cushioning for protection or comfort.
smear to spread or apply on or over a surface.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
uncover to discover or make known; reveal.
violent acting with great force or ill will.
warmth the condition of being warm; heat.