Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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connect to join together.
farm an area of land or water used to raise certain kinds of crops or animals.
health the condition of one's body or mind.
helmet a hard covering worn to protect the head.
highway a large, important public road.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
petal one of the separate leaves that form the outer part of a flower head. Petals are usually a different color from the plant's other leaves.
price the amount of money needed to buy something.
snap to break suddenly with a cracking noise.
snowflake a single flake of snow.
sudden happening without notice or warning; not expected.
towel a piece of soft cloth or paper used to dry the face, body, dishes, or other things.
trim to make neat by cutting away some parts.
war a time of very great fighting between countries or groups of people.
wrinkle a fold on a surface, such as cloth or skin.