Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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actress a woman or girl who plays a part in movies, television, plays, or radio.
bolt a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into an opening in the frame. When the bolt is inserted into the frame, the door stays closed.
fascinate to attract and hold the attention and interest of.
formal following accepted rules for doing something; proper, legal, or official.
guideline a rule that tells people how to do something in the way that is considered best.
labor hard work or effort.
laboratory a place used for scientific investigation and experiments.
paradise a state or place of great beauty, delight, or joy.
prickle a small, sharp, pointed growth or extension, such as a plant thorn.
reside to live in a place for a long time; dwell.
suffocate to kill by not allowing to breathe; smother.
surgery an operation done by a surgeon.
tilt to move or place so that one side is higher than the other; tip.
underneath below or beneath; under.
unleash to set free from or as if from a leash.