Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arena a stage, ring, or other enclosed area where shows or sports events are held.
capital1 the city where the government of a country, state, or province is located.
clench to close tightly shut.
electrical having to do with electricity; electric.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person.
grope to feel about or feel one's way with the hands.
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave.
immigration the act of coming to live permanently in a new country.
jerk any sudden, sharp movement that is not expected or planned.
jury a group of people called to a court of law who listen to the facts of a case and decide its outcome.
mural a large picture painted on or made a part of a wall or ceiling.
personality all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
species a group of living things that naturally produce young with other members of the same group but not with those of other groups.
timid not bold or confident with other people; shy.