Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chilly causing a cool feeling that is uncomfortable.
coincide to be in the same place or happen at the same time.
constant going on without a pause; persistent.
curse a statement of a wish that something bad will happen to someone or something.
failure the act of not succeeding or not doing.
forth forward; onward in time or location.
headquarters (used with a singular or plural verb) the main office of any organization.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
observation the act or an instance of perceiving the environment through one of the senses.
ripe fully grown and ready for harvest or eating.
scan to read or look over quickly.
urge to push or drive forward or onward.
victor the winner of a contest, battle, argument, or struggle.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.
whole having the entire amount or length.