Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
argot the vocabulary or jargon characteristic of a specific group or class, especially of criminals.
attenuate to cause to be thin, rarefied, or fine.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
consummate of the highest order or degree.
deposition a sworn statement, usually in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law.
desiccate to remove the moisture in (food) so as to preserve it.
expound to discuss or explain in detail (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
glut a greater supply or amount than is needed.
guttural articulated in the back of the mouth; velar.
humanism a doctrine or mode of thought that gives highest importance to human dignity, values, potentials, and achievements.
inculcate to cause to accept an idea or value; imbue.
indomitable too strong to be subdued or discouraged; unconquerable.
lambent glowing softly.
woebegone displaying or full of distress.