Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
berate to reproach or scold severely.
coeval coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary.
crass lacking in sensitivity or refinement; crude.
desideratum something that is needed or wanted.
disaffection an absence or loss of good will, faith, or loyalty, especially toward a government, principle, or the like.
fixation an obsession, especially one that interferes with normal functioning.
gullible believing almost anything; easily tricked.
knurled having small ridges.
meretricious appealing or attracting in a cheap, showy, or shallow way.
purvey to supply or provide (especially food, drink, or other provisions).
salvo the firing of guns or other firearms simultaneously or in succession, especially as a salute.
somatic of or pertaining to the body itself; corporeal.
travesty something so grotesque or inferior as to seem a parody.
virago a shrewish, domineering woman; nag or scold.