Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abroad in or to a country that is not one's own.
bile ill temper or anger.
cleanse to make clean; remove dirt from.
commit to dedicate, devote or pledge.
conjunction a word that connects other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. "And," "while," and "because" are some conjunctions.
dynasty a series of rulers from the same family or group.
exquisite very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way.
hazardous full of danger; having great or many risks.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
intercept to stop or take hold of; interrupt the movement or progress of.
opposition the act or state of being against, or the state of having someone against another.
previously just before another.
recommend to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good.
relish a great enjoyment of something.
stabilization the process of making or becoming steady or even, and keeping at a certain level or degree.