Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abdicate to officially give up a position of power or a right.
allusive abounding in or characterized by indirect references to culture, history, or other works of art, which are to be recognized or understood by the audience.
ascendant moving upward; rising.
banter joking, clever conversation.
buoyancy the capacity to float or rise to the top in a liquid or gas.
cathartic of or pertaining to a cleansing emotional release.
cohort (often derogatory) a friend or associate.
convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
delectable extremely pleasing to the taste; delicious.
equable not varying extremely or suddenly; uniform; stable.
immobility the state or condition of not moving or being motionless.
populist a person, especially a political leader, who represents, or claims to represent, the interests and concerns of the common people rather than the privileged, the politically powerful, or the intelligentsia.
predecessor a person who holds a position or job before another person.
promulgate to explain or give instruction in (a doctrine) in public; advocate.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.