Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ambivalence the presence of conflicting feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, thing, or situation.
apex the highest point; tip.
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
enrapture to cause to be in rapture or to be ecstatically joyful.
imprecise not exact, accurate, or well-defined; vague.
inclusive comprising or covering a great deal; comprehensive.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
languish to lose strength or energy; weaken.
leaven to produce fermentation in (dough or batter), consequently causing the dough or batter to rise in the process of baking.
noxious harmful, dangerous, or destructive, especially to health.
revitalize to bring new life to.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
stature relative status as measured by skill or achievement; reputation.
timorous showing or marked by fear; fearful; timid.
underscore to emphasize by, or as if by, drawing a line beneath.