Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambiguity uncertainty or vagueness in meaning, intention, or the like.
consist to be made up or formed (usually followed by "of").
cryptic difficult to understand; ambiguous or mysterious in meaning.
decoy something used to attract animals or people into danger. Wooden decoys in the shape of birds or animals are often used by hunters to lead animals into a trap.
establishment the act of establishing.
fuse2 to become merged by or as if by melting together; amalgamate; coalesce.
glower to look or stare with sullenness, anger, or animosity; scowl.
knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling.
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement.
prosperity the state of being wealthy and successful.
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
righteous morally upright.
sector an identifiable segment or part of a landscape, area, society, political system, or the like.
summary a short and usually comprehensive statement of what has been previously stated.
tuition the charge for being taught at a college or private school.