Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alcove a partly enclosed area of a room.
concentric of circles or spheres, having the same middle point.
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
deride to ridicule or treat with scornful mockery.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; fleeting.
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing.
perturb to cause great disturbance in (the mind); agitate or worry.
Philistine (sometimes lower case) one who is ignorant of, smugly indifferent to, or hostile to aesthetic and cultural values.
prospectus a written description or summary of a proposed project.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.
revivalist suited to or aimed at the purpose of bringing back former beliefs, ideas, or practices.
sequel what follows afterwards, such as the next event in a series, especially as it arises from previous events.
submissive inclined or obliged to submit; unresisting; obedient; docile.