Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegedly according to what has been claimed although not proven.
assumption something that is supposed or believed without questioning. For example, if you ask someone whether she is allowed to watch TV during dinner, you have made an assumption that there is a TV in her house. Assumptions are ideas people have that are not based on proven facts. An assumption can be correct or incorrect.
burly having a large, husky, and strong body.
crusade (often capitalized) any of the wars between European Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims between 1095 and 1291. During these wars, the Catholics tried to take territory away from the Muslims.
doom an event or end that one cannot escape; fate; destiny.
dosage the amount or timing of medicine to be taken.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
eloquent using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
guidance the act of guiding.
investment that which is invested.
negative not helpful or constructive; critical; pessimistic.
paternal having to do with or typical of a father.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
restriction something that limits or restricts.
unearth to find or reveal by searching.