Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accolade an expression or mark of approval; honor; award.
ascendant moving upward; rising.
autocracy rule by one person with absolute power; despotism.
contention a point asserted in argument or debate.
deferential respectfully submissive to the desires, opinions, or judgments of others.
enigmatic puzzling, mysterious, or inexplicable.
ennui a general feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction, especially with all aspects of life.
forestall to prevent or hinder by taking action beforehand.
gouge a cut or hole made with something sharp.
infidelity unfaithfulness, especially to marital vows; adultery.
insubordinate unwilling to respect or submit to authority; disobedient.
monotone speech with little or no change in tone.
respite a period of rest, especially from something difficult or unpleasant.
tenuous having little substance, support, or significance; flimsy; weak.
tribulation severe suffering or affliction; distress.