Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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adulteration the act or process of making worse or impure by adding unnecessary or inferior ingredients.
antebellum in or of the period prior to a war, especially the American Civil War.
caste the status conferred by the class to which one belongs.
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten.
dearth a shortage or scarcity of something; lack.
diurnal occurring or active during, or belonging to, the daytime rather than nighttime.
erratic not expected or predicted; not regular.
ersatz serving as a substitute, especially when of inferior quality.
fungible interchangeable.
inculcate to cause to accept an idea or value; imbue.
inquest a legal investigation, usually involving a jury, especially a coroner's investigation of a suspicious death.
munificent having or showing great generosity.
penury severe poverty; pennilessness.
peripatetic walking or traveling around; going from place to place; itinerant.
prolix wordy and boringly long.