Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abrogate to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.
belie to give a false impression of.
canard a deliberately false story or rumor, usually defamatory to someone.
colloquialism a word or phrase typically used in conversational, informal, or regional speech or writing, hence sometimes considered inappropriate in formal writing.
consternation surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
credulous disposed to believe, especially on scanty evidence; gullible.
disaffection an absence or loss of good will, faith, or loyalty, especially toward a government, principle, or the like.
facsimile an exact copy or duplicate of something printed or of a picture.
glean to gather or discover (facts, information, or the like) a little at a time.
oblivious not conscious or paying attention; unknowing or unaware (usually followed by "to" or "of").
obtrude to thrust or force (oneself, one's concerns, or one's opinions) on another or others without being asked.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position.
prerogative an exclusive right or privilege derived from one's office, position, age, citizenship, birth, or the like.
stately dignified.
vitiate to harm the quality of; mar; spoil.