Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
invite to ask in a polite way to go somewhere or do something.
journey a long trip from one place to another.
ladder a structure with steps that you use to climb up to high places. You can move a ladder from one place to another.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
partner someone who owns and runs a business with another person.
phone a short form of telephone.
replace to put something in the place of another thing.
robbery the act of stealing money or property from a person or place; the act of robbing.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
share a part of a whole amount.
shoot to hit with a bullet or other thing that flies from a weapon.
track a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail.
wrong not true or correct.