Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advantage a better chance or position; upper hand.
arise to appear; come into being.
constant going on without a pause; persistent.
desperately with a sense of extreme urgency, need, or despair.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
distance the measure of space between things, places, or points in time.
express to make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings).
mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
shrill having a high, sharp sound.
shuttle a bus, airplane, train, or spacecraft that travels the same route back and forth.
soot a fine, black powder made during burning. Soot collects in chimneys or is carried into the air in smoke.
spur a metal piece with a spike that is attached to the heel of a rider's boot. Spurs are used to make a horse go forward.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.