Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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analysis a careful study of the parts of something in order to understand more about the whole.
append to add, especially as something extra at the end of a text.
descent the act or process of going downward.
duplicate something that is an exact copy of something else.
engineer one who is trained in the use or design of machines or systems.
equivalence the state, fact, or condition of being the same in value, amount, importance, or the like.
futile unlikely to produce or incapable of producing a desired result; ineffective; useless.
incidence the frequency with which something happens or the range over which it occurs.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
momentum strength of movement.
pigment anything that is used to or serves to provide color.
radiation the waves of energy sent out by sources of heat or light, or by radioactive material.
satisfactory good enough to meet a need or desire.
speculate to make guesses or wonder about something (often followed by "on" or "about").
usage way or manner of using or treating something.