Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adjunct attached or connected but not fully integrated; supplementary; subordinate.
agitate to cause to move in a quick, tumbling motion or with force; shake.
calamity an event causing great harm, pain, or destruction; disaster.
curator one who oversees the activities and tends the collections of a museum, library, or the like.
flourish to grow in a strong, healthy way.
fluent able to speak or write easily and naturally.
informal relaxed in style or feeling; casual.
innovative new and inventive.
luxurious giving great comfort or pleasure.
practical having to do with real life and experience rather than theory.
precede to come before in time.
precise clearly said or communicated.
region a large space or area.
safeguard a person, thing, or action that gives protection; a way of making sure that something is safe.
splendor grandeur or magnificence.