Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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anxious feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain.
college a school of higher learning that one attends after high school. Most college programs require four years of study.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
fancy something pictured in the mind or wished for that may not be based on reason or real life.
filter a device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases. A filter can be made of paper, charcoal, or other material with tiny holes in it.
invert to reverse the order, position, or direction of.
miracle an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is thought to be caused by a power not of the earth.
noun a word that names a person, place, thing, or condition. A noun may be the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or preposition.
perform to carry out; do.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
pout to show unhappy feelings with an expression of the face. When children pout, they often push out their lips.
retire to give up a job or career.
seemingly according to what seems or is perceived; apparently.
shift to change one's position, or to move from one place to another.
theme the main subject or topic.