Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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asset something useful or valuable.
complex difficult to understand.
compression the act or process of pressing down on or together, causing flattening or condensing.
confer to give or award.
curator one who oversees the activities and tends the collections of a museum, library, or the like.
exasperate to bother or annoy to the point of causing anger.
exile the condition of being sent away from one's country and not allowed to return as a punishment.
inevitably unavoidably, regardless of any circumstances or attempts at prevention.
intertwine to twist together, one about the other; interlace or interlock.
jubilee a particularly celebrated anniversary, such as the fiftieth, or the celebration itself.
knead to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling.
minimal of, pertaining to, or being the smallest or least possible in quantity, degree, or size.
straightforward honest, frank, and trustworthy.
transcription a written or typed copy of something dictated or heard.
widespread happening or scattered over a large area.