Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bankrupt not able to pay money owed and free by law from having to pay.
bias an opinion or liking that does not let one be fair; prejudice.
devout devoted to religion.
dormant asleep, or in a state of rest that is similar to sleep.
emotional having to do with the feelings, including how one feels about oneself in relation to others.
horde a large number, group, or crowd.
institute to bring into being or set in operation.
irk to annoy, irritate, or exasperate.
litigation the act of engaging in a lawsuit.
negotiable subject to discussion and revision, as terms in an agreement or contract.
presume to take for granted; assume.
pretense an act or instance of pretending; sham or fiction.
recommend to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good.
withhold to hold back; control.
witless lacking or not using cleverness or intelligence; stupid; foolish.