Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abhorrence a feeling of complete loathing, repulsion, or horror.
avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
bigotry intolerance of any group or belief that is not one's own, especially in the form of racial, ethnic, or religious intolerance and prejudice.
caucus a private meeting of leaders of a political party to choose candidates or determine policy, or such a group itself.
clime in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof.
cozen to deceive or trick; swindle.
morbid in an unhealthy, gloomy mental state; preoccupied with sickness, abnormality, or death.
panacea a remedy or solution for all diseases, ills, or difficulties; cure-all.
prelude an introductory event or act; preface; preliminary.
presumptuous excessively bold or forward.
repugnant extremely distasteful to one's senses or principles; disgusting.
skepticism distrust or disbelief, or a general tendency to doubt and question.
stint to refrain from spending; to be sparing or frugal.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.