Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alike in the same way.
blouse a loose shirt for women.
cost the amount of money charged or paid for something.
couch a comfortable seat with a back and arms for two or more people; sofa.
darkness lack of light.
fellow belonging to the same group, having the same job, or sharing the same interests.
guard to protect or pay close attention to something in order to keep it safe.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
ill not healthy; sick.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
lean1 to bend in a certain direction.
lift to move (something) upward; raise.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
suddenly without warning, often causing surprise or fear.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.