Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adversity a condition of trouble or difficulty.
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance.
cosmopolitan of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world.
culmination the highest point; zenith; climax.
detonate to explode or cause to explode.
ingénue an inexperienced or artless girl or the role of a such a girl in a dramatic presentation.
nonconformity refusal or failure to adjust one's behavior and actions to accord or comply with societal customs, values, or the like.
plaintive showing or expressing sadness or sorrow.
proletarian of, pertaining or belong to, or characteristic of the working class, especially laborers who lack capital.
protuberance that which projects; bulge or bump.
proxy a person who is authorized to act for or on behalf of another, especially as a voter; substitute.
self-determination the ability or freedom of a people to decide their own form of government.
simultaneous existing, happening, or done at the same time.
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.