Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cemetery a place where the dead are buried; graveyard.
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something.
conform to act in a way that agrees with a rule or standard.
current of or happening in the present time.
errand a quick trip taken for a particular purpose.
government the making of laws and important decisions that control or affect all the people living in a community, state, or nation.
handicap anything that makes things harder or keeps one from doing better.
impose to set as something that needs to be followed, done, or obeyed.
invention the act or process of coming up with or creating something new.
melodious having a pleasant melody.
minimum the smallest or least in amount, number, or degree.
particle a tiny amount or small piece; speck; trace.
quake to tremble, shake, or shiver.
scoop a tool with a short handle attached to a deep, curved bowl, used to take up food or grain.
wink to close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness.