Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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behave to act in a certain way.
believe to accept as honest or true.
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
form the shape or structure of something.
ink a colored liquid in pens.
justice the upholding of what is fair, just, and right.
kneel to rest on the knee or knees.
lock a device used to prevent people from taking something or to keep something closed.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
platform a raised, level surface used as a place to work, perform, or speak to an audience.
school a place for teaching and learning.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
slash to cut or strike with a strong, sweeping motion.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.