Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assessment a judgment or evaluation.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
fountain a spray of water created by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
glisten to shine or sparkle with reflected light.
gory extremely violent, with great bloodshed.
intricate having many complex parts, angles, or aspects; involved; elaborate.
kindle to build or start (a fire).
landlord a man or woman who rents property to others.
laughter the act or sound of laughing.
nearby located close at hand; not far away.
prefer to choose above all others as the best liked or most wanted.
regular normal or usual.
sag to sink, hang, or bend downward in the middle.
stammer to speak in an anxious or uncertain way. People who stammer often repeat sounds and stop between words.
variety change or difference; diversity.