Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assembly a group of people gathered together, usually for a specific purpose.
cease to stop or come to an end.
commitment a pledge or obligation to fulfill an act or function.
compound made up of two or more parts or elements.
immigrant a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.
intimidate to cause to become timid or afraid, especially by means of threats.
maelstrom a turbulent or overpowering situation.
misplace to put in a wrong place; lose.
omission the act of leaving out or the condition of being left out.
parch to make very dry by heating.
reception the act or process of receiving.
renaissance (capitalized) the revival of art, literature, and learning that began in Europe in the 1300s and lasted into the 1600s. During the Renaissance, scholars, writers, and artists took a great interest in the writings and ideas of classical culture.
segment one of the parts into which something is or can be separated.
supple easily curved or bent; flexible.
torrent a heavy flow of water with a strong current, such as a rushing stream, a flood, or a heavy rainfall.