Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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desecration the act of or an instance of violating the sacredness of something.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
dovetail to fit together precisely or harmoniously.
expatriate one who has gone into exile from or renounced allegiance to his or her native land.
fragility the condition of being delicate and easily broken.
heretic a person who maintains unorthodox religious opinions or beliefs, especially a baptized Roman Catholic who dissents from official church doctrine.
indictment the act of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury, or the condition of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury.
invective strongly abusive or denunciatory speech or language.
manifest to show plainly; display; demonstrate.
poseur one who adopts an affected attitude or manner in order to impress others.
redress compensation or reparation; amends.
sultry uncomfortably hot and humid.
superficial of, pertaining to, or located on the surface.
suture the act or process of surgically joining or sewing together the edges of a wound, incision, or the like.
tryst a meeting held at a specified time and place, especially a secret meeting of lovers; rendezvous.