Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alimony money that a court orders one member of a divorced couple to pay to the other.
aver to assert to be true; affirm.
backlash a strong reaction against some prior development, especially political or social change.
circumscribe to keep within bounds; confine; restrict.
cognate having a common origin, as languages.
dissonant not in harmony or agreement; discordant.
fickle quickly changing without reason or warning, especially in affection or allegiance; variable or capricious.
incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.
indiscriminate lacking in judgment and discernment; making no distinctions.
laudable worthy of praise.
naysayer a person who refuses, denies, or opposes, especially because of cynicism or pessimism.
rabble1 a confused and uncontrolled crowd; disorderly mob.
remiss careless or negligent, especially in the performance of one's duty.
rivulet a tiny stream or brook; trickle.
truism a self-evident statement; platitude.