Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anesthesia a drug or other agent used to bring about unconsciousness or absence of pain.
blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of.
congest to fill to excess; overcrowd; clog.
correspond to write letters.
disposal a giving away or a getting rid of something.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
frustration an angry or impatient feeling caused by failing or being hindered in one's attempts to do something.
haphazard having no order; without aim or purpose.
hearty full of warmth and enthusiasm; friendly.
infinite having no limits or end; without measure.
paranoid having or exhibiting an unrealistic suspicion and mistrust of others.
precursor an earlier or previous person, group, event, or form of something; predecessor.
representative a person who speaks or acts for a group or community.
resolve to decide firmly and sincerely to do something or that something shall be done.
slander a false statement or statements made to hurt someone's reputation, or the act of making such statements.