Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice.
deadline a date or time by which something must be done.
demolish to tear down or destroy.
emigrant one who leaves a country to live in another.
fruitful producing a rich and abundant growth.
inject to introduce into by force or pressure with a needle.
lounge to lie or sit in a lazy way (often followed by "around").
meantime the time that is in between.
obey to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of.
shade darkness caused by light rays being blocked.
slick1 having a smooth, shiny, or slippery surface.
source the start or cause of something.
tangle to mix or twist into a confused mass.
therefore for that reason; as a result.
tumble to roll end over end while falling or while in flight.