Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abuse cruel or harmful treatment.
chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
exclude to leave out; keep out.
furlough a vacation for a person in the military.
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack.
injunction a command or order, especially from a court, to do or refrain from doing something; authorization or prohibition.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
momentary lasting only an instant.
obsess to preoccupy the mind or emotions of (someone) excessively or abnormally.
propose to present or suggest as an idea to be considered.
purify to make clean or pure.
recalibrate to reset or adjust the scale of (a quantitative measuring instrument or system), usually to maintain a correspondence with a standard.
spiritual of or pertaining to the soul or matters of the soul, the part of a human being that is believed to be the higher or deeper self and not part of the body.
summon to call to appear for a particular purpose.